
The Outaouais Ski Zone is managed by an Executive Committee made up of the President, immediate Past President, First Vice-president, Alpine Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who are elected annually, plus one representative appointed by each Member Club. The Executive Committee appoints other members of the board of directors as officials to oversee various aspects of the Zone’s program.

The Zone Executive and board of directors are responsible for: Representing the Zone at the Quebec Ski Federation; Establishing and maintaining the OSZ-NCD Series and race schedule in cooperation with the National Capital Division; Establishing and implementing Zone racing programs; Selecting teams to participate in provincial championship events; Participating in the management of the National Capital-Outaouais Development Team and the Sports-Études Programs; Registering all skiers with the Quebec Ski Federation; Managing the finances of the Zone; and Promoting alpine ski racing in the Outaouais.

As part of its engagement, the Outaouais ski Zone strives to share information.  Please note that board meeting agenda and records of decision are available upon request.

These documents are presently prepared in English.  To obtain an agenda, minutes or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us via email at oszpresidentzso@gmail.com

Executive Committee

President Kimberly Hogan
Treasurer Ian Alexander
First VP Jamie Rosewarne
Vice President, Alpine Tim Van Dyke
Past President Mark Somers
Secretary Pierre-Paul Gauthier


Results and Timing Coordinators Theo Mavraganis Yohanna Mesa
Officials Coordinator Gilles Piché
Elite Coaching Representative Alex Lennox
Children’s Coach Representative Ken Rogers
Registration Coordinator Monika Lozinska
Sports Etudes Representative Sophie Anka
Communications Dejan Pavlica
Web Difu Hu

Club Reps

Vorlage Jud Radmusen
Équipe de Ski Camp Fortune Catherine Lemay
Mont Cascades Neil Gosbee
Mont Ste-Marie Vincent Boudreau
Edelweiss Richard Kiefl

Age Level Coordinators

U10 Coordinator Keli Hogan
U12 Coordinator Marius Rzucidlo
U14 Coordinator Aleisha Adams
U16 Coordinator Christian Girouard
U18 Coordinator Katie O’Brien