Level 2 Officials Course for Volunteers and Coaches


The 2021 ski racing season will be a challenging one for many reasons.  It is important that we have as many qualified officials in the region as possible in order to run fair and secure races for all age categories.  As ski races may be run during the week, the availability of officials will become challenging.  Having a larger pool of officials to draw from will be essential.  Please consider taking this important and informative course in order to support our regional athletes.   

Description:  It is for volunteers and coaches that are interested in learning more about how a ski race is run and interested in taking on roles of responsibility on race day. The course is 3 evenings. The course material will be course delivered by qualified Level 3 Officials.  The exam will be on Nov. 26 on-line.  The course is the brand-new curriculum just developed by ACA.  You will be the first group in the country to take the new course.  

Prerequisite:  Level I certification and practical experience in at least 3 different official’s positions from 2 different age categories that covers a minimum of 8 days race experience.   

Information about Officials Courses:  https://alpinecanada.org/community/officials

Dates: Thursday, Nov. 5, 12, 19 – course work, Nov. 26 – exam

Time: 7 to 9 PM 

Location: Zoom – link will be sent

Cost:   OSZ club members and coaches: $15 (you will be notified about payment after you register with the form)

           NCD Club member – no cost

For more information please contact Jane Macintyre (OSZ Officials Chair):  macintyre.jane@gmail.com

Link to registration:  November Level 2 Official Course Registration

Registration is due by: Friday, October 30